Friday, May 27, 2011

New Podcast Interview---With Me!

Hey, everybody, my buddy Paeter Frandsen over at Spirit Blade has just posted his podcast interview he did with me a few months back. Come hear my melodious voice (with way more Southern drawl than I had realized) as we talk The Strange Man, Christian Horror, and monster stuff! Go now! Go listen!!

1 comment:

Alan Oathout said...

Greg... enjoyed the interview. Maybe it's just my ears, but I didn't pick up on any Southern drawl.

My favorite moment was your championing of stories where the dark and the light are portrayed with equal intensity, equal honesty. I'm with you there 100%...Oh, for more of those stories...It's what I love to read, and write.

Haven't had the chance to read The Strange Man yet...but it's on the list!